One of the recent (and by recent, I mean as recent as 23 years ago) winter traditions here in the Groot Begijnhof (and the general Redingenhof buurt) is the Lichtfeest (NL: "light feast"), which involve families and students marching around the neighborhood carrying fakkels (torches) and lanterns to the lively pipe music and drums. At the end of the procession, a lichtkoning or lichtkoningin (light king or light queen) is picked to kindle a large bonfire outside the brick walls of the beguinage.
Traditional songs are sung as the bonfire is stoked with more firewood--folk songs such as "Daar zat een sneeuwwit vogeltje" (There sat a snow-white bird) and "Vlammen omhoog" (Flames up high). The latter song is a short one, sung in canon:
Vlammen omhoog, danst in de donk're nacht;
Geef ons uw blijdschap warmte en kracht!
Flames up high, dance in the dark night;
Give us your joy, warmth and strength!
With cups of chocolate milk or mulled wine, neighbors gather around and enjoy this moment of Flemish gezelligheid in a midwinter's night.
Ah, the perks of being a denizen of this beguinage!
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